Last seen: Jun 10, 2024
they're still around. you can see them in the background of some of the road to the olympia tapes. they still dress in 80's clothes.
you recover great with the stuff some of the hardest workouts i've ever had and wake up just alittle sore the next day. great stuff
yeah what do you expect when you just ask a random person to spot you in the gym.
on it right now by itself so if i have any problems i'll know what it is. so far i'm fine though. like someone else said already everyone is different...
i've used in the biceps and delts before 1cc in each no prob besides pain.lol causes alot of scar tissue though
i agree with big kev had better luck with injections. you also run the risk of getting and intestinal virus with taking in caps
get on a beta blocker
i actually believe that site injections do work. you have to be careful in the calves though. alot of veins.....also its very sore and makes it hard t...
genetics. just like flex wheeler held fat in his glutes in hams. everyone holds in a different place.
keep your diet good and train your upper body. shouldn't be to hard. i m sure you will lose alittle size but nothing major.
dave palumbo and kevin leverone use cables exclusivley for arms
the scale is not always a good indicator to go by. you could be losing fat with the fina. so go by how you look in the mirror
thats all normal with t400. personally i hate the stuff. you can cut it down to taking 1/2 cc at a time which helps with pain or mixing some other typ...
try alternating high reps one wk. low reps the next moderate the next.
watch your blood pressure while taking an eca. especially since tren raises bp anyways.