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Joined: Sep 5, 2022
Last seen: Jun 4, 2024
Topics: 0 / Replies: 57
RE: the older i get, the younger they get.

From Dazed and Confused - Wooderson: That's what I like about these high school girls, I keep getting older, they stay the same age.

2 months ago
RE: AS that does not cuase test shutdown

Originally posted by MASSIVE 1000 I have heard that dbol isnt supposed to shut you down....anyone else hear this? I believe what I read was....between...

5 months ago
RE: Question on Christianity

Originally posted by metal machine This, I think, touches on one of the possible consolations of religion. A kind of psychological narcotic for overco...

5 months ago
RE: Question on Christianity

Originally posted by metal machine I think that both of these statements are demonstrably quite wrong: 1. You seem to know little about the history of...

5 months ago
RE: Question on Christianity

Originally posted by metal machine Science has been demonstrably effective in the past several hundred years in promoting healthier life, extending ou...

5 months ago
RE: Question on Christianity

I think the theist vs atheist arguments miss the interesting question. Instead of asking "Is there a God?" the better question would be "Is there valu...

5 months ago
RE: It's my birthday-----------damnit!

Happy birthday. You're now old enough to legally have sex with women 20 years younger than you in every state in the US. Go enjoy!

6 months ago
RE: Anabols...??

They'll almost certainly sit easier on your stomache if you take them with food. There shouldn't be a difference in effectiveness.

6 months ago
RE: 1st Cycle

Basically what I told him. He's skinny and tall. He needs food and squats, not drugs.

6 months ago
RE: 1st Cycle

Via PM, he gave me his stats. I won't post them here, but I can guarantee that nobody would tell him that he was ready for gear...

6 months ago
RE: 1st Cycle

Originally posted by asheville Hey everyone had a few questions about a first cycle comments and thoughts are appreciate thanks... Dbol, Deca, Sust st...

6 months ago
RE: Injecting!

The air was certainly not the source of the pain. More likely you were just close to a nerve. It happens. Why was the sust wasted? Just pick a new spo...

6 months ago
RE: First Cycle

Originally posted by 1ST2JUICE My nipples are not sore or getting enlarged, but I did have a bit of itching around nipple in question. Start the Nolva...

6 months ago
RE: First Cycle

I would strongly urge you to wait at least another 6-9 months before considering steroids. You've only been training for about 3 months. The first yea...

6 months ago
RE: FuCkInG side effects!

Originally posted by SNMODEL okay satan,, what is ther to take as in natural or other than propecia that might help block DHT.. that easyer.. If there...

7 months ago
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