Active Member
Joined: Jun 26, 2018
Last seen: Feb 8, 2019
Topics: 1 / Replies: 14
RE: Sciroxx Laboratories

The gear was just as good as any gear i've ran from any top lab here. Very clean, clear, smooth and most of all, very potent. Labels were pretty too. ...

5 years ago
RE: The Dangers of CLA Supplementation

To my knowledge the effects of CLA on the liver have not been examined in humans. The authors are expressing their concerns based on animal studies th...

6 years ago
RE: The Dangers of CLA Supplementation

quote:I thought the Cis 11 Trans 9 Isomer was the one that is toutedReally, both are touted, depending on the focus of the literature. The Life Extens...

6 years ago
Replies: 11
Views: 2035
RE: RoidsMall.Net Reviews

This is one if not the best. if not the best, sites that I have ordered from so far. I fully recommend this site to anyone who wants great quality pro...

6 years ago
RE: Post Cycle Training

It took a few minutes to retrieve this from my files, and I didn't want to commit to the abovementioned effect happening in humans without this study....

6 years ago
RE: Post Cycle Training

Quote: It was my understanding (I can't now remember where I read this) that even elite athletes recruit only about 60% of their muscle fiber during a...

6 years ago
RE: Female Pct??

I guess either way the modern female bodybuilder can have her cake and eat it too, at least as far as bone density, now that we live in the era of cal...

6 years ago
RE: Female Pct??

If I were female I would be a bit concerned about the long term consequences of AAS induced amenorrhea, particularly osteoporosis. Even forgetting the...

6 years ago
RE: Female Pct??

In females, all the research I've seen centers on post-pill HPTA shutdown, which for all intents and purposes is the same as AAS shutdown. When women ...

6 years ago
RE: The Dbol Main cycle ramp-off explained in detail: Article

The eclipse was the first experimental verification of General Relativity, not Special Relativity.My point is 1983 is not that long ago.

6 years ago
RE: The Dbol Main cycle ramp-off explained in detail: Article

Well, Einstein published his theory of special relativity in 1905 and it has never been refuted...I just pulled this one on DHT out of my files."Since...

6 years ago
RE: The Dbol Main cycle ramp-off explained in detail: Article

quote:as to why anavar is suppressive ??? it should not be, if it is non aromatic and binds solely to the AR...Androgens that don't aromatize are thou...

6 years ago
RE: Combatting fina sides (rino gyno)

You beat me by a minute, it seems

6 years ago
RE: Combatting fina sides (rino gyno)

Quote: Using winny and chaste berry effective for gyno probs with tren or is Bromo? None of that stuff is true. If you have gyno, take Nolvadex. If yo...

6 years ago