Active Member
Joined: Nov 4, 2022
Last seen: Nov 11, 2023
Topics: 3 / Replies: 14
RE: Nolva Question

Originally posted by Delta1 I'm 6'5", 280 lbs, around 20% bodyfat (I know how you all like stats :o). I'm on 750 mg Sustanon/week and 600 mg EQ/week w...

1 year ago
RE: Armidex

Originally posted by BD23 whats up guys.... hey if i wanna run armidex with my cycle to minimize bloat how much and how often should i take it... im g...

1 year ago
RE: Larger loads?

Originally posted by JuicedSavage what can I take besides clomid to obtain this? Zinc? what else....? zma....proviron....clomid.

1 year ago
RE: Fina Bloat...(SOLVED?) Check it out

Originally posted by scarecrow999 Hey bros, I have been running Tren for a week and a half at appx 90mg EOD... I was holding some water, I looked like...

1 year ago
RE: do you guys ever eat in the middle of a workout??

Originally posted by biggreene well personally i dont think i have a problem with working hard. That is why i was wondering. Will sipping on a gatorad...

1 year ago
RE: do you guys ever eat in the middle of a workout??

Originally posted by evileye I have read a study that had subjects drink a protien drink total I think was 150 ml . The subjects drank 50 ml every 15-...

1 year ago
RE: do you guys ever eat in the middle of a workout??

Originally posted by biggreene If you are training two parts in a workout, do you take a 10minute break and have a snack or carb drink or something to...

1 year ago
RE: regarding turning winny tabs to injections

alright, i guess i should do that. just wanted to ensure maximum absorbtion. besides, i thought both orals and injects are alkylated, so how could the...

1 year ago
RE: can't get chest to grow

Originally posted by KILROZ i do the 1st workout one week, 2nd workout next week. #1 flat bench barbell press 4 sets incline dumbbell press 4 sets cab...

2 years ago
RE: How long can someone stay on

Originally posted by StudHammer I've been on for 9 months before and my little fellas came right back with proper PCT. I think as long as you're using...

2 years ago
RE: 99% sure i can never take test

Originally posted by Mr Oz you should do fine on that deca/dbol cycle, nothing wrong with it with that, because u r not using test, i would opt for sm...

2 years ago
RE: Halo, and retaining water?

Originally posted by muzzel I am currently on a winny, and halo cycle. I am holding alot of water. I am guessing a bad reaction to halo? I hold water ...

2 years ago
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