Last seen: Jan 31, 2025
no, but they make me horny..
welcome back! this board was going to hell in a handbasket without you bro!!
this one clown told me he said he busted 9 nuts in one day.. and dude is not one to lie either.. and they were all from jerking off, not fucking or ge...
I guess it depends on the size of the load.. Im assuming Peter North's load could be a meal replacement for some..
what is taraxitone?
sports, video games, movies, and not much else! oh and pussy!
ok i used the albuterol, but i dont think i really inhaled it correctly the first 2 inhales. but i think i got it the 3rd time, lol.. is it imperitive...
thank you..
Originally posted by pussy I use to have bronchial asthma baaaad when I was a kid, and the older I got along with the more cardio I did, it slowly wen...
yeah, i notice that cardio makes my condition worse. and squats sometimes too, but not too bad... i ran this morning and really had a tough time with ...
Originally posted by pikchur does this medicine help? pikchur i don't know yet. im going to pick-up the prescription tomorrow.. from what i've read it...
escort- great hours and great pay with lots of time off too.
if a girl leans slightly forward about 86 degrees, than she might be interested.. if its 87 and above, signs point that she is not interested.. as far...
ive never really set many goals. maybe i should start.. yes, that is my first goal- to make a goal.. lol