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Joined: Jul 25, 2019
Last seen: Oct 9, 2021
Topics: 2 / Replies: 10
RE: Easy question

I thought it was excessive too - but I still have no experience. Hope the calculations helped a bit - you can use them for anything if you know how ma...

3 years ago
RE: Easy question

Look at your vial.It should say how many mg/ml. A mg (milligram) is a unit of weight. 1000mg = 1g (gram)A ml (milliliter) is a unit of volume. 1ml = 1...

3 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 844
RE: Newbie Questions

I can't speak to the gear use as I haven't started yet.However bumping the TRT comments - good stuff. I was put on this about a month and a half ago. ...

5 years ago
RE: Ok, I've finally arrived.

Posted by: Visions Also Cabaser can be used anytime you want to be horny... either on or off cycle... Hmmm, got to look into that stuff.Is it on the *...

5 years ago
RE: Silly question maybe?

Here's one I can answer from personal experience. Occasionally because of my MS I end up on weird and unexpected medications. My first AAS use was Ana...

5 years ago
RE: OK, the decision is made - guide me

About the being shut down on natural test levels. I do expect that. And if the last week of having what little I was making turned off and replaced is...

5 years ago
RE: OK, the decision is made - guide me

Hey thanks, I do have far too much to learn before I can actually give suggestions or share information. For now I'll just continue posting in my week...

5 years ago
RE: OK, the decision is made - guide me

And that nitrateman is why I ask the questions. 250 deca seems to me to be enough - but as I still have no experence, just what I've read.Wouldn't goi...

5 years ago
RE: OK, the decision is made - guide me

Diet - just right (finally eating to gain).Training - I'm doing HST - and love it. 1/2 inch gains all over my body in the last month. I seem less fat ...

5 years ago
Replies: 9
Views: 1398
RE: Anadroxyl

Put on 10lbs in 2 weeks, maintained for 2 weeks, got stronger too - on 4 weeks to give the test/deca a helping hand.Now a week after finishing, I've p...

5 years ago