Eminent Member
Joined: Jul 15, 2019
Last seen: Dec 8, 2022
Topics: 0 / Replies: 22
RE: ara better then enth?

IMO, aratest is on the same leval as t-200, under dosed(opinions will vary).you would be better off with primoteston(same as aratest, but better quali...

2 years ago
RE: cycle length?

rule of thumb is 6 weeks for oral 17aa steroids. Do what kell told ya.

2 years ago
RE: Tbol?

Posted by: Cannons I just finished a 40 day cycle of 50mg of tbol daily and it was a great cycle.Unfortunately, I didn't have time to hit the gym as...

2 years ago
RE: Proviron Question

Its very mild imo, I have run it all thru like your planning. I dont know if you need that much hcg with your cycle but thats just me.

2 years ago
RE: Nolvadex with 1st cycle

He did post about his dosage, i thought you started or would have chimed in as i saw your post late. I think about 400mg test/400eq will not be to muc...

2 years ago
RE: Nolvadex with 1st cycle

I wouldnt need it at that level of test. But i would have some in case you needed it.

2 years ago
RE: Cycle for strength and endurance - Please help!!!

Whats your history with gear like? And some stats also would be helpful. Id be able to give you some better ideas then.

3 years ago
RE: British Dragon

Yeah fakes and crappy suppliers of BD suck. You get the real product here, bottom line.

3 years ago
RE: uh o

Puffy and tender? what are you far along?

3 years ago
RE: Blood Work

Talk to him"off the record". Dont get it on your charts your doing aas, unless of course it can be for hrt therapy.

3 years ago
RE: light 10 week cycle

Your diet will determine your gains, so eat clean and below your maintence requirments you lose, go over you gain. As for your cycle you done any befo...

3 years ago
RE: Oxydrol Tablets

There are much better steroids than Abombs'>Anadrol for endurance. Its a harsher drug than others thats all. There are some post on the different c...

3 years ago
RE: Best time to shoot...

I do them right after my shower at night. Unless Im up early and in the mood.

3 years ago
RE: Anavar

If you got winny going, may just save the anavar. Some IP tabs get chewed, anavar in and itself dosent need to be chewed.

3 years ago
RE: T3 taken in Mg or mcg ?

Should be mcg..T3 is dosed as mcg units

3 years ago
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