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Anavar and winstrol

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Going to be ending my run soon and was thinking of pinning winstrol 50mg eod and takeing Anavar 50mg ed, has anyone used winstrol and anavar at the same time?

Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 158

I haven't run both at the same time but if you havent gotten your winny yet I would advise you to run oral winny instead of injectable b/c oral winny lowers your SHBG. Injectable winny does not.

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Yep I agree with Fonz.

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I wouldn't take both. I prefer winny over var. Winny is a 17aa compound and makes me much stronger and I get shredded. Over the years I tried many different dosages. I did 50mg's ed, then 100mg's ed, and didn't notice any difference with the increase. I do 50 eod and get the same results. I prefer injectable winny because it is less toxic on the liver than oral winny. I do switch it up though between oral and injectable due to what da_Fonz said above, because of the affect on your SHGB.
