Injection pain Sust...
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Injection pain Sustanon/deca?

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Hey all, not to flod the forum with injection treads, but i would like to know wheter anyone else have had similar problems.

I started my cycle with a 2ml injection of 100mg deca and 250 mg Induject sustanon on Sunday evening in my thigh muscle. Monday my leg felt fine, however Tuesday it started hurting in the muscle, in the end so much i could barely sleep during the night. The pain has presisted until today. I see no swelling, abcess, tissue discoloration or similar, nor do i have any flu-like symptoms, the only symptom is that i can barely walk. I have no pain in the muscle when i keep it still, only upon contact or movement.

Normally i would ascribe it to the prop in the sust, but my last cycle which was 5 years ago or similar consited of tren-prop EOD made from powder and i dont remember having that much pain. also, the pain usually did not persist that long.

I assume that the gear is legit, so I wonder what i should do, did this happen to anyone else?

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every once in a while you will hit something, a tendon or ligament, and will have pain, tenderness, and swelling. this is usually not a concern other than the obvious, pain. over the years i have become more and more sensitive and now i rarely do more than one cc at a time.


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It just happen to me Monday ...Months go by ok ! Then one day it will hurt like hell.

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Sustanon needs high % of benzyl alcohol to keep stable - that's why it is so painful. just pre-mix deca/sust with filtered grape seed oil, wait for 2h and then inject. also consider two deifferent injection spots.

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remember that ip 500mg super test? wow, that was back when he used ba as a solvent and did that stuff cripple you!


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Thanks guys, the leg feels much better today,

My only problem now is whether to proceed with the cycle or not. I am thinking to wait until i get some enanthate instead of the sust. I cant take another week of this kind of pain

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just to make sure that it is the sus not the injection you couuld try injecting .5ml and see what happens. if you can wait, that is fine so long as it does not take too long.


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I would just draw up some sterile oil to whatever you already have in your syringe. If you have 1CC of Sust, then draw up 1 CC of sterile oil to dilute it. This should solve the problem if it's the sust.

Information that Tazmaniac presents is totally fictitious in nature and is presented for role playing purposes only. The opinions presented do not encourage the use of illegal substances nor take the place of professional medical advice.

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Send me the sust and I'll got through the pain for you ..OK ?

"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?"
- Albert Einstein

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eq always used to be the go to guy for this

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Sustanon on the quads hurts like hell and makes you feel bad.

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I always had less pain if I mixed in a little EQ as well with injections.

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You are damn right, specially with test suspension.

"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

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Had my first Test-E shot with literally zero pain 24hr later. First one ever. Needle seemed extra dull too after a couple pokes through the top of the vial. Baffling.
