Creatine, is it wor...
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Creatine, is it worth it?

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I'm at a strength plateau right now, but this time around I want to try things naturally for a change to try to bust thru it. I'm thinking about trying creatine for the first time, but I would like to hear some positive feedback before I purchase anything. My diet is good, I train hard, and I'm in the midst of reworking my routine. I've been training one bodypart a day for the last 4 years. I've made excellent progress, but this routine is losing its affect. So, do you think creatine can be beneficial for strength gain? Oh yeah, I recently read an article in MD lately that said that training for more than 2 days consecutively can minimalize your progress because it is overtraining. Is there any truth to this?

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besides vitamins and protien creatine in my opinion is the only supplement thats worth buying.

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i like creatine, i always use it in my post cycle therapy.

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Creatine is great for strength gais for me. Not only strength gains but it helps me get more reps to failure at heavier poundage. I cycle it as you would any other useful supp. I feel it is particularly useful coming off a cycle and using 5 grams twice a day. First thing in the morning (w/35-50g's of carbs) and post workout with 50 g's or more carbs. It is good at helping me keep gains after cycle.

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AAS increase creatine storage, thus, those who do intense workouts on AAS - should supplement it. However, my understanding of the question is that you are not on AS and reached plateau. Creatine, if properly administered, will definitely help you. Just remember the 1x1 creatine rule: it takes 1 hour to raise your creatine level and the levels remain raised for only 1 hour. So, take it 1 hour before a straneous work out and keep your work out time under 1 hour. Your work out must be intense - otherwise, creatine is a waste. Hope that helps Jay PS Drink a lot of water because creatine dehydrates your system

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I'm a non-responder so my .02cents is to save your money. All I ever got from creatine was less money in my pocket and some badass headaches. Buy some protein or put the money towards some gear.

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Is all creatine the same, or is one better than the other?

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some are better then others, like they say chinese is inferior to german because of a courser testure like gravel compared to sand. they say its easier to digest if its finer. id stay away from the premade liquid creatines though.

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Originally posted by Pharri8 Is all creatine the same, or is one better than the other? Creatine is the same. But some products may have additives. So look for the actual amount of creatine in the product you buy.

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jay, creatine dehydrates the system? i always thought it made you hold water in the muscle cells?

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Originally posted by jennmike jay, creatine dehydrates the system? i always thought it made you hold water in the muscle cells? Dehydrates big time..... I really don't know about holding water..... Creatine levels fluctuate rapidly and it's hard to say if it directly affects water retention. You may be right - this might explain why you get so thirsty when the workout becomes intense. Need an expert opinion on this one....

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Originally posted by Jay_Abbays Dehydrates big time..... I really don't know about holding water..... Creatine levels fluctuate rapidly and it's hard to say if it directly affects water retention. You may be right - this might explain why you get so thirsty when the workout becomes intense. Need an expert opinion on this one.... Creatine causes water retention in our it kinda dehydrates u...meaning it sucks water out of your blood stream and pulls it into your muscle tissue...dehydration occurs when your brain is "low" on definitely creatine will cause this.... The cure is simply to drink alot of water....but seeing as all of us bbers drink 5 plus liters a day, thsi shouldnt be an issue. Ive always found that creatine does what its supposed to, I use a generic creatine, unmixed...I enjoy the pumps, the roundness in my muscles and the feeling of being "full" I drop creatine when im dieting of course...

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Originally posted by Valkyl Creatine causes water retention in our it kinda dehydrates u...meaning it sucks water out of your blood stream and pulls it into your muscle tissue...dehydration occurs when your brain is "low" on definitely creatine will cause this.... The cure is simply to drink alot of water....but seeing as all of us bbers drink 5 plus liters a day, thsi shouldnt be an issue. Ive always found that creatine does what its supposed to, I use a generic creatine, unmixed...I enjoy the pumps, the roundness in my muscles and the feeling of being "full" I drop creatine when im dieting of course... Great info.......

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creatine and letrozole? or will letrozole kill the creatine affect?

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im a huge fan of creatine as its the only thing i've used besides protein. one problem i found that is the reason i stopped using it for the past 4 months is the stomache discomfort and bloating. i just orderded swole v2 though and its supposed to prevent these side effects because it absorbs alot better and you dont have to take shit loads of it and absorb a small percentage. i cycled it also usually 1-2 months on and as long as your want off. the initial growth you find in muscles is sorta a fake growth but the strength gains which able you to lift heavier end up making your grow real muscle. like i had 15 inch arms and used creatine and in a month had 16's but instead of the usually drop in size after stopping use my arms stayed at 16 permanently cause i was able to work out harder.

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