fonz,i need a good ...
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fonz,i need a good back split please

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as you know i workout at home and i can do these moves
bent row
t bar
cable row
dumb row up to 60 lb's only
cant do deads cause of hernaited disks ,well maybe light deads

Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 126

Well I would do a Back Width and Back Thickness workout. Meaning you do one of them one week and the other one the following week unless you work back 2x week.

Back Thickness:
-Deads, I know you need to do these light so go with high reps, you'll be surprised how much they'll work even when done in high rep ranges

-Bent Over Rows (Palms facing the ceiling)

-T-Bar Rows (Palms facing the floor), Also stress the negative and get a full stretch.

Back Width:
-Dumbbell Rows, be sure to get a full stretch and bring the weight all the way up to the hip and squeeze at the top.

-Wide Grip Pulldowns (Palms facing away form you), be sure to not wrap your thumbs over the grip so you put less emphasis on your bi's and you keep it on your lats. Also, try to just bring your elbow in when lowering the weight and again squueze at the bottom.

-Neutral Grip Pullup (Palms facing each other and close to each other), again get a full stretch and dont wrap your thumbs.

You get your upper, middle, and lower back worked as well as all parts of the lat with this. You are limited though since you workout at home but this should give you a good wookout. I would incorporate DC stretches after each exercise and also to do 4 sets with slow, deliberate movements since you've had a back injury.

Somewhere out there, a little Chinese girl is warming up with your max squat
Fuck Gravity!!!

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thanks you think twice a week would be too much? i think maybe one evry other week would be too little though.

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Here's my split, I'm not natty so it might be a bit much for those that are:

Week 1

Monday – Chest/Back Width/Abs
Tuesday - Arms/Shoulders
Wednesday - Off
Thursday – Legs
Friday – Chest/Back Thickness/Abs
Saturday - Shoulders
Sunday – off

Week 2

Monday – Legs
Tuesday – Chest/Back Width/Abs
Wednesday – Off
Thursday – Arms/Shoulders
Friday – Legs
Saturday – Chest/Back Thickness/Abs
Sunday - Off

Week 3

Monday – Arms/Shoulders
Tuesday – Legs
Wednesday – Off
Thursday – Chest/Back Width/Abs
Friday -Shoulders
Saturday – Legs
Sunday - Off

Week 4 – Repeat Week 1

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Posted by: bignready
thanks you think twice a week would be too much? i think maybe one evry other week would be too little though.

You can do a width and thickness workout each week but be sure to keep an eye on overtraining and also be sure to stretch and rest.

I think the biggest mistake most make is that "more is better" when in fact it may not be.Too much can actually keep you from making the most out of the workout.

Somewhere out there, a little Chinese girl is warming up with your max squat
Fuck Gravity!!!

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Yup, definitely. In my split I always go heavy the first round at the beginning of the week for groups I'm doing double up on and then do a lighter workout the second go around.

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Posted by: bignready
as you know i workout at home and i can do these moves
bent row
t bar
cable row
dumb row up to 60 lb's only
cant do deads cause of hernaited disks ,well maybe light deads

Hey bud, I have another question for ya.Can you do hanging cleans??? This exercise will add A LOT of size in the shoulders and upper back as well as the outer quad.

I have a thread on here about proper form for the exercise, so if you haven't done them before give them a try.You'll love'em.

Somewhere out there, a little Chinese girl is warming up with your max squat
Fuck Gravity!!!

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not sure man.i will check em out and see.also i definatly dont want to start overtaining.i am starting pct in 2weeks

Joined: 6 years ago
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Posted by: bignready
not sure man.i will check em out and see.also i definatly dont want to start overtaining.i am starting pct in 2weeks

Def check them out b/c they will add size and thickness like no other.There better than anything else when it comes to shoulder exercises imho.They do take a toll on your wrists b/c you have to snap them when you are driving the weight towards your chest but the results are incredible.

Somewhere out there, a little Chinese girl is warming up with your max squat
Fuck Gravity!!!

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Posts: 126

Here is the thread I created which explains the movement bud.

The Forgotten Exerices

Somewhere out there, a little Chinese girl is warming up with your max squat
Fuck Gravity!!!
