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Severe Cramping

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Hey Guys-

This isn't a question about AAS's but it is Endurance Athletics oriented.

I am a competitive Master's cyclist. About an hour into an intense ride/race
my quads really begin cramping badly. It always starts with the right side and then spreads to both legs.

I have been "professionally" fitted some time ago and I feel more comfortable than ever. Also, based on the data obtained from my power meter, I am putting out more wattage than ever.

I can honestly say that this cramping issue is my one true limiter. I am easily as strong or stronger than the majority of my competition, but when it really comes time to bury them, my legs lock up and I go into survival mode just to finish with the leaders.

Has anyone had similar experiences and, if so, what were you able to do to combat this condition? Meds, supps, therapy?

Please help me start the new season off right.

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Quinine (sp)? Drink Tonic Water...

Information that Tazmaniac presents is totally fictitious in nature and is presented for role playing purposes only. The opinions presented do not encourage the use of illegal substances nor take the place of professional medical advice.

Death gotta be easy, cause life is'll leave you physically, mentally, and emotionally scarred~50 Cent

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wow taz, i never tried that. i thought i had tried everything for cramps.

Wet, brother i'm in the same boat as you...however, my tendancy to cramp has decreased.
try: endurolytes by hammer nutrition. even if it's cooler weather i take them before and DURING races.

i touched on this topic before...i could go on and on about cramps. i've lost top finishes due to being in what i call the "cramp zone". when your a "cramper" you'll learn what i mean. it's sucks when your in the mix...and it starts to hit. you cant stop pedaling but you can't mash gears either. at best you can stay in the group for a finsh.

again & again...i hearyou on the cramps. B4 i got a handle on them....i've cramped so severly it was like be paralyzed from the waist down. hams start to try to stretch them...then BAM!! the quads start to lock up....then your whole fucking leg.

ever get a SEVERE hamstring cramp when hitting from the back?
thats aways's funny when i tell about it...but it sent me launching out of the bed and screaming in pain. (natually this was post ride or race...not just a random cramp)

there are many variables associated w/ cramps...the best thing is try to cover all the, supps/lytes/minerals and h2o.

whatever it takes !!

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Hi Guys fellow cramper here so bad last time I was in a break cramped so bad went from the front all the way through to the back and came in alone.
I can't rememeber who mentioned it it might of been M/track but some said to try taurine sup got some will let you know

As for quinine old school tried and tested I think is more to do with hydration but I've pm'd 53x12 a link for your interest


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Highly recommend the the Electrolytes Caps by HN. I use then all the time. Great product!

BKK117 Flying somewhere in the USA.
"Helicopter pilots don't fly, they beat the air into submission!"

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Thanks Guys-

I'm going to try the Endurolytes this week. We'll see what happens...a colleague seems to think that it is more metabolic instead of some sort of deficiency.

Fastman- Keep us posted on the Taurine experiment. Be careful though, I've heard that it can cause you to shoot blanks.

BKK- Did you have a cramping problem before you started with the E. Caps and, if so, how have they helped you?

Keep the recommendations coming!

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Position. What do you mena by "professionally" fitted? Cleat position?

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Hi Wet Roubaix Quote:
Fastman- Keep us posted on the Taurine experiment. Be careful though, I've heard that it can cause you to shoot blanks.

Brilliant Mrs Fastman has been after me to get the snip I told no way I may want children after we split that went down well. I'LL forward you point and see if she swallows that (sorry about the pun)

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Posted by: 53x12
i've cramped so severly it was like be paralyzed from the waist down. hams start to try to stretch them...then BAM!! the quads start to lock up....then your whole fucking leg.

thats aways's funny when i tell about it...but it sent me launching out of the bed and screaming in pain. (natually this was post ride or race...not just a random cramp)

I hear you bro. That's what happened to me two days ago, after I played squash for 1.5h. Such think had never happened to me. Both sides of both legs cramped, very painfull, and it did last for over 30min. And the next day i was totaly in pain.

Taurine Magnesium, Calcium and a myorelaxant like mephenesin can help. But they are not miracle cures.

I would avoid quinine if I can due to some side effects it might have.

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There is alot of talk nowadays about"quality"training as against distance work .I reckon if u do less distance work and more "quality work" and ride a race at max effort (,without that distance totally in ur legs) u will cramp;even if u have been doing high intensity "quality" efforts.U still gotta do tha distance +the "quality"work.M/track

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I agree with m/trak, I only cramp at distances I haven't trained up to. Last six miles of an ironman for instance after only 20 mile training runs all season. Enduralytes do help me with the day to day minor cramping issues but not the debilitating ones

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What type of magnesium is in the Twinlab brand?

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Cramping update:

I've made two big changes the past week and the results have been encouraging.

First, I completely eliminated coffee/caffeine from my diet. I used to have a couple of double espressos a day (I know, this may not sound like much for some but it seems like it was too much for me).

Secondly, I began using the Endurolytes from Hammer. I've been taking 3 before I go to sleep and 3 before I ride.

Haven't been in a true race but I've done a training crit and a few intense road rides. NO CRAMPS! Not even a twinge. Could just be a coincidence but I'd like to attribute it to the no caffeine/Endurolytes combo. We'll see.

Thanks for the suggestions and to answer your question Dario- I had a fully functional fit done which positions your saddle height, fore/aft, cleat position, stem length/height. Everything. Highly recommended if the fitter has a good reputation. IMO more valuable than the right gear. 😉

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I'm a fellow cramper and I now how painful cramps can be.
The last time I had quad and calf cramps for a week i made a trip to the doctor.
I got some blood work done and It was apparent that I was very deficient in Magnesium. Apparently from all the water I was drinking per day (over a gallon), plus cardio and totally drained my body of minerals. I was really like a walking drano commercial. Everything was just being flushed out.

Once i started taking 800mgs of Magnesium a day it stopped. I have to really say the best Magnesium supplement is from Twinlab. Don't get a generic grocery store knockoff. I tried that route and the cramps continued.
Once i changed to the Twinlab brand, the cramps were gone in a few days.

if your really cramping up really bad, break up the dosages but keep it kinda high.
try taking 400mgs with every other meal. You'll know if you've taken too much though. It will clean your bowels out.

hope this helps

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hey bro glad to see your on the road to dealing w/ those cramps.
however, i am deeply saddend that you have elected to cut out those double expressos. i'd almost rather cramp then cut out my beloved Espresso. (lol)
you've got work around that somehow

whatever it takes !!
