T4 Prescribed By Do...
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T4 Prescribed By Doctor

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My doctor prescribed a T4 med. yesterday at 50mcg per day. Will this be ok to take on a 10-12 week cycle?

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from what i understand, when you take T-4 it breaks down in the body & converts into T-3...thus you are losing most of your normal dosage that you would receive taking just T-3...T-4 should work ok but T-3 would be much better...

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T4 just doesnt break down into t3 unless your body has a lack of T3 in it. We all have both compounds in our body and the conversion rate isnt worth it. Do you have a thyroid condition or did your doc just hook you up? T4 alone even in thyroid theropy isnt as good as supplmental T4 and T3 whch many doctors do now.

Will it hurt you to run it, No. Will it benefit you, No not unless your body is has low T3 levels to begin with so unless your running tren I dont think it will be much beenfit to what you want it to do.

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For long term use you are much better off using a desicated thryroid product like Armour thyroid which has T1 T2 t3 and T4... they only mention the T4 and T3 on the lable but it is naturally derived so it has all the thyroid hormones you need to feel normal... A huge reason why you may feel shaky if you use T3 only is that it is absorbed fast so your system is spiked... so the best way to use T3 only is to split up the pills as much as possible throughout the day and or add in a bit of T4 to even out your level... which brings up another reason why to use a Natural desicated thryroid product... A huge reason why people on thyroid meds don't really ever feel normal is either they are only on T4 or a combo of just T4 and T3... T4 and T3 combo is better then just T4 but its still missing T1 and T2... so far they don't know what T1 does but the body doesn't make it just for the fun of it... T2 is directly used by some organs... I can't recall which... it also has other functions as I believe its used to convert RT3 back to T3 or something like that... I would have to read up on it again... but anyway A desicated thyroid is much better to use for thyroid replacement or just using to burn some fat or replace the drop in thyroid output when you use steroids like Tren...


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I had blood work done and my doctor thought I need Lexvoryl (spelled wrong I am sure) but I did confirm with him it's a T4 med.
