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What are the best foods to gain calories???

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Mister Grim
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Who can forget Sushi? Philideliphia Rolls, Catapillar Rolls w/cream cheese, and Unagi... Mmmmmm... thank god for all-u-can-eat Sushi buffet's.

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Originally posted by Mister Grim Who can forget Sushi? Philideliphia Rolls, Catapillar Rolls w/cream cheese, and Unagi... Mmmmmm... thank god for all-u-can-eat Sushi buffet's. NOW THESE ARE GOOOD SUGESTIONS!!!

Mister Grim
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Who can forget Sushi? Philideliphia Rolls, Catapillar Rolls w/cream cheese, and Unagi... Mmmmmm... thank god for all-u-can-eat Sushi buffet's.

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Originally posted by Mister Grim Who can forget Sushi? Philideliphia Rolls, Catapillar Rolls w/cream cheese, and Unagi... Mmmmmm... thank god for all-u-can-eat Sushi buffet's. NOW THESE ARE GOOOD SUGESTIONS!!!

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go to your local steakhouse and get the biggest damn steak they have and the baked potatoe soup salad all that...does get a little xpensive but i never feel better than after a workout going out and having a steak...the red meat just does something for me -T

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Originally posted by ripper crisco At least I KNOW u are joking bro....lol:biglaugh:

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Originally posted by hellspawn1 damn lucky ass boy!! 😉 I'm a hardgainer at same height.. weighing only 160Ibs And I need 3500calories just to maintain!! Thought I might add that I don't really do shit for cardio so that will explain why the calorie numbers are a little low. If I was doing good cardio (like I should be) I'd probably be taking in several hundred more calories a day to maintain (possibly as high as 3600 calories). crisco :nono:

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DavidKns u gotta be missing somethign out of your diet, for all the foods not to click together that good.. look it over, try to fill any nutirional voids. (the above statement is one of those i just totally made it up, but it kinda sounds smart statement LOL)

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chipotle steak burrito!!!

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add flax seed oil to the protein drink add a can of white tuna here and there natural peanut butter, low fat style-they make it, add to protein drink at night. make a low carb pizza with chicken on top, and fat free cheese. good and lean bulkers

"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
- Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

Mister Grim
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Originally posted by intense natural peanut butter, low fat style-they make it, add to protein drink at night. make a low carb pizza with chicken on top, and fat free cheese. :upchuck:

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or vomit too if thats what u like

"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
- Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

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theres some decent weight gainers on the market too, look for ones w/o too much sugar and quality protein....NL2 by prolab is my favorite, throw in some flax seed oil for extra cals and EFAs or just hit up the local sushi buffet and eat till they kick you out

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