furious george
furious george
Eminent Member
Joined: Sep 24, 2022
Last seen: Jun 7, 2023
Topics: 1 / Replies: 20
RE: test enth kick in time

Guy at the gym this morning came up tp me and asked what supplements i was using to get so, big so quick.Didnt know him from a peice of toast. So i an...

1 year ago
RE: test enth kick in time

Start of week 6 100 kg.Waist measurement still the same. So thats 12 kilos all up (bout 27 pounds)

1 year ago
RE: test enth kick in time

I was planning on a gram , but test e was too painful , so I`ve had to to lower the dose slightly and cut with sterile oil.With heat and extra oil it`...

1 year ago
RE: test enth kick in time

I`m now at 99 kilos.Have been here before , but you know the old story , injury,sickness yadda yadda..... Decided this time to do a d-bol bridge to my...

1 year ago
RE: test enth kick in time

Second day of fifth week, up 10 kilos.Put an inch on my waist , so thats not too bad.

1 year ago
RE: test enth kick in time

Ok , three weeks done and up 7 kilo`s and strong as.Time for new work shirts.:)

1 year ago
RE: test enth kick in time

I have never used test without an oral before this so didnt know what to expect. I`ve just finished two weeks(frontload a gram and then 750 wk) and my...

1 year ago
Replies: 31
Views: 821
RE: Critique welcome on my routine

If i did 10 sets of curls the day before heavy rows , I`d be fucked. I reckon you need a day off in there somewhere.

1 year ago
RE: 2nd cycle - PLS HELP

Check out the cycles section.Good info there.

1 year ago
RE: I'm a genetic weakling

...it`s nice though.

1 year ago
RE: 2nd Cycle Input Needed

Have a go at tren.I found it to be very good for lean kilo`s.

1 year ago
RE: Start Cycle ??

I`m running a test only ccyle of test-e.So , you gotta wait 2 weeks to start blowing up , so what?D-bol just made me look and feel like a balloon.

2 years ago
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