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Critique welcome on my routine

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I am able to train mon-fri for an hour and a half each day during work hours, beat that for motivation!!! :p Anyway this is the new routine I'm looking at trying out, if you could tell me what you think, and what needs to be improved it would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance. Mon: Dumbell Flys - 10-12 reps 2 sets (warmup) Parallel Bar Dips (chin on chest, back rounded, lean slightly forward, feet under face) - 10 reps failure 3 sets Bench Press - 8 reps failure 3 sets Incline Dumbell Press - 8-10 reps 2 sets Cable Crossover - 15-25 reps 1 set Tues: 1 and 1/2 squats - 6-8 reps 3 sets Leg Press - 6-8 reps 2 sets Stiff Leg Deads - 6-8 reps 3 sets Leg Curls - 6-8 reps 3 sets Seated Calf Raise - 75 reps (no longer then 10 seconds rest before continuing to achieve 75 reps) Wed: Military Press - 8-10 reps 2 sets Upright Row - 8-10 reps 2 sets Need another suggestions for shoulders, shoulder press and side lateral raises cause me discomfort and I cannot perform the exercise. Seated Dumbell Shrugs - 10 reps 2 sets Power Cleans - 4-6 reps 2 sets Seated Row Elbows High - 12 reps 2 sets Thur: Cable Curls (Underhand, each hand on a handle, elbows locked in side, step forward forcing elbows slightly back) - 10 reps 6-10 sets Fri: Barbell Rows - 10 reps 8-10 sets Tricep Pressdown - 8-10 3 sets Dumbell Tricep Extensions - 10-12 reps 2 sets Skull Crushers - 8-10 reps 3 sets Abs on mon and thurs

furious george
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If i did 10 sets of curls the day before heavy rows , I`d be fucked. I reckon you need a day off in there somewhere.

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I would do power cleans first in the workout on wednesday.

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Wednesday is delts/traps I suppose I could swap the last 3 exercises with first two so I am doing traps first. Any suggestions for another delt exercise. I can swap thursday and tuesday around.

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Where is your back training? It is the largest muscle group in the body and the most complex. Some bent rows are not enough. Trow your biceps with your triceps and do an 1-11/2hours of back the day before. Pullups, rows, deadlifts being the most important. The reason your shoulders hurt is probably due to your forward posture from your unbalanced training routine. Stretch your chest out and lean forward 30' and the flys will become much more comfortable and avoid all the scar tissue in the rotators and scapula.

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Dude, barbell row's are the king of back exercises, requiring the lower back to be stabilised therefore worked the whole time, and upper back doing the movement, you do 8-10 sets of these and tell me your back hasn't been worked like ever before. I don't like doing bi's and tri's together, it just doesn't feel right for me. I have never tried this routine before which is why I am giving it a go. I said I welcome criticism, but I would like some evidence for that which you speak. My shoulders hurt because of an injry sustained as a kid which makes my left shoulder crack each time I do exercises like shoulder press and causes pain, not because the routine is unbalanced. My initial training was 1 year of MAX-OT, you can't stick to one training routine as change is the spice of life and I don't want my muscles to get bored. Thanks for all your comments.

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Originally posted by Amatuer Dude, barbell row's are the king of back exercises, requiring the lower back to be stabilised therefore worked the whole time, and upper back doing the movement, you do 8-10 sets of these and tell me your back hasn't been worked like ever before. Well 8-10 sets is not smart training bro...stick to 3 or 4 sets max. If you cant induce muscle damage in 3-4 sets then you are not doing the exercises properly. My initial training was 1 year of MAX-OT, you can't stick to one training routine as change is the spice of life and I don't want my muscles to get bored. Max-OT is pretty well thought if you had good results with it doing low reps then simply modify if for 8-10 reps. I have always designed my workouts by doing 2 mass building moves for each body part and adding an isolation movement as a third. Sometimes I do 4 per bodypart (like legs).

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Bent rows are my favorite back exercise, if I could only do one exercise, that would be it. But I dont only have to do one. You hit the chest from four different angles to stimulate growth, and that is only one muscle. There is only one angle your hitting for back, and that is made up of three large muscle groups+3-5 ancillary muscle groups. The angles have to change to get the most stimulation. I work my back three times a week, and split apart the muscles of the back. Rows are one workout. Lats is another. Deadlifts for the erectors+traps is a third. I apologize for presuming about your shoulders, but if you can do upright rows, then you can do a DB fly. It is the same exercise, with your elbows bent. Unless you use a sloppy for, and then it works the traps and wrists. You want backup for my statements, I could keep going if you are interested.

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you should domore exercises for your quads.................leg extensions!also hack squats i do 3-4 exercises for quads. i would also recomend chinups/pulldowns on back day....u want lats right? also on back day deadlifts/hyperextensions. one excercise for bi's ain't goona cut it either

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Originally posted by Amatuer [B]I am able to train mon-fri for an hour and a half each day during work hours, beat that for motivation!!! :p Where do you work and are they hiring?!
