test enth kick in t...
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test enth kick in time

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furious george
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For those who have tried Test enth by itself , with no orals ,how long till you noticed some effects or weight gain?I know it`s supposed to be about 4 weeks , but I`d like to hear some personal experiences.:)

Mr Oz
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about the middle of the second week, could ahve been from increased calories but, strength, mood, everything started to gradually climb, you using testoviron?

adam ryan
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for myself, i notice the water blow up quite fast but as for real gains in both size and strength 4 weeks is minimum for me

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Around the third or fourth week, typically, less or more depending on the indivdual's reaction. But its not as though it bowls you over like hitting up a shot of goey!

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3-4 weeks it has a half life of 12-14 days XXX

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If you frontload.... 3 weeks..... for me about 4......

furious george
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I have never used test without an oral before this so didnt know what to expect. I`ve just finished two weeks(frontload a gram and then 750 wk) and my weight has gone up 5kilos already.I`m noticably bigger and a fair bit stronger, which is very pleasing.Much better results this time than compared to other cycles using ** gear.May be just my diet is better somehow , but it is interesting. Mr Oz , maybe your right about the calorie increase and no it`s not testoviron , it`s homemade. Thanks for the reply`s. Bump for the powders!

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im now in my 5th week of enanthate 1000mg/week of home brew stuff. my weight has stayed the same but my body fat has gone down and my strength is going up very well tho. im breaaking personal bests so its going ok. like today for incline dumb bell presses i pressed 130lb dumbbells for reps nice and slow. but i did expect my weight to sky rocket(cry, cry,cry). i dont think that i respond well to AAS coz i havent had any gyno trouble at all ever and i can never seem to break the 100kg mark. aaaaarrrrgggggghhhhhh hehe.

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Originally posted by test-xtreme 3-4 weeks it has a half life of 12-14 days XXX Its 10.5 days i think mate...!

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Originally posted by Real1ty Its 10.5 days i think mate...! Doc's orders mate , apparently its almost 2weeks , cause primo teston is test enanthate..... oh well 😀 i originally thought 10 as well TX

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Yea took me about 4 weeks at least before i noticed any change in size, although i blew up water wise within about 2 weeks, keep at it youll get there soon.

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Originally posted by test-xtreme Doc's orders mate , apparently its almost 2weeks , cause primo teston is TEST ENANTHATE..... oh well 😀 i originally thought 10 as well TX Yeah i wouldnt listen to much about what the docs say about gear as they know very little about it and imo know very little about most things...... http://www.anabolex.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=85005=

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hmm he handles pro's LOL

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but anyhoo wats the diff between a day or two

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