Trusted Member
Joined: Sep 1, 2022
Last seen: Feb 26, 2024
Topics: 2 / Replies: 74
RE: Cottage Cheese Shake

Watch the sodium though :)

5 months ago
RE: using two 17aa orals

Maybe this thread will help...scroll down and read Wrought's post on using dbol and drol in the same combo :)

5 months ago
RE: Nolvadex & Clen

Didn't feel any :) Some people are taking nolv to decrease the estrogenic fat buildup with clen to cut if i'm right.

5 months ago
6 months ago
RE: Appetite Enhancers

Hess what u talking bout??!! Just take 1ml(1amp) if u're buying the human version i posted above. Take whenever u feel like it, some take 1ml per week...

6 months ago
RE: Appetite Enhancers

sorry its Neocytamen (b12 injectable 1000mcg/ml), 2amps per pack.

6 months ago
RE: Appetite Enhancers

Hess u in oz? Otc here, or u can get those vet ones. I usually use the neocyataman(sp?) from chemist. U can get it cheaper on pharmacydirect.

6 months ago
RE: Appetite Enhancers

Shit if only the b12 and eq works for me :( Guess what the best appetite enhancer is for me.....the freaking weather...i feel really hungry on a cold ...

6 months ago
RE: For tren users - did u use Bromocriptine ?

U will get those sides if u took one 2.5mg tab or half a tab straight without increasing it a little at a time. Start with 1/4 of a tab and work your ...

6 months ago
RE: For tren users - did u use Bromocriptine ?

100mg ed, half a bromo tab ed, still slight lumps developing on and off..but not estrogenic for sure...weird.

6 months ago
RE: femara

ironman_845 i find that a small dose of dbol for a few days usually brings the interest back :D hgh, as i mentioned i'm not sure of the biochemical ef...

6 months ago
RE: femara

Just curious thats why i asked bro :) Coz some people were posting that they're taking it on its own to lower their natural estrogen to lose fat!!! It...

6 months ago
RE: femara

This is what i read.... significantly decreased plasma estrogen = low libido, possible decreased bone mineralisation on long term, don't think it has ...

6 months ago
RE: Blood pressure readings...

LOL :D Didn't read u took it 10mins after a workout. Take it when u're relaxed and resting and see what comes up. 147/46 is a bit worrying if thats th...

6 months ago
RE: Blood pressure readings...

Text standard is ard ~120/80 :) Might fluctuate up or down a little as long as it doesn't get too much of difference(maybe +/- ~15-20mmHg difference? ...

6 months ago
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