Eminent Member
Joined: Jun 25, 2018
Last seen: Apr 6, 2020
Topics: 8 / Replies: 19
RE: Anabolic Diet

this pillsbury dude has the most non relevant comments I've seen on about five threads... I wish I was a moderator :P

4 years ago
5 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 836
RE: Sore Calves!

i used to run 3 laps a day on a track... never had a problem.. but when switching to running on grass.. it seems soft to hard surfaces caused splints ...

5 years ago
RE: Eating before a workout

i eat half of a power bar and an iso-pure 40g whey isolate drink before working out, half after following 25g soy 25g whey later on and never get sore...

5 years ago
RE: 18 yr/old needs help

hi guys I've only been a couple of weeks on my new diet. I try to eat alot of low GI carbs, except after my workout I'll have some hi gi's like malode...

5 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 1279
RE: acne

it's like razor burn bumps but they're not red..just small bumps..some on the forehead. I shave like a week at a time before i see the girl lol.. less...

5 years ago
5 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 1473
RE: Sciroxx Laboratories

Sciroxx test p100 Sciroxx Mastodex 100. Product quality is up there just as good as any other lab . Ran the sciroxx test p100 at 500 per week 12 weeks...

6 years ago
RE: Perfect Post-Work Out Consumable

My post shake is all this in one:Protein 25GCarbs 41G (malo, dex)Vit. C 100mgVitamin E 200mgcalcium 150mgWorks good for me :O Mag. 240mgsodium 220mgPo...

6 years ago
RE: BuyTestosterone.Net Reviews

Was a bit dubious of using an on line supplier but so glad I did, just ordered a small order first then uped them till I had all I needed for my cycle...

6 years ago
RE: Alarming Warning for Men Who Drink Milk

I thought homogenized milk caused heart disease? What about homogenized milk and pasterized milk? Compared to regular milk right outta the cow ??? My ...

6 years ago
RE: How Do You Use Albuterol

do some research it's pretty powerful and can keep you awake for all hours

6 years ago
RE: Trying to gain mass..HELP

nlarge2 or some weightgainer gold works good....I bulked up good on nlarge2....10lbs gone in no time!!!

6 years ago
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