Active Member
Joined: Sep 11, 2018
Last seen: Nov 24, 2020
Topics: 3 / Replies: 16
RE: DragonPharma.Net Reviews

I just wanted to leave another review about the success I have had with dragonpharma.net. I have ordered close to 20 times since last July and everyth...

4 years ago
RE: dostinex and deca

Re: Re: Re: dostinex and deca Posted by: guijr I have monitored progesterone and prolactin levels during a deca cycle and their levels never increase...

5 years ago
RE: dostinex and deca

Re: Re: Re: Re: dostinex and deca Posted by: ready2explode That's one piece of information you can disregard. Thank you for that is an important piec...

5 years ago
RE: dostinex and deca

Re: Re: dostinex and deca Posted by: ready2explode Dostinex blocks the body's own production of prolactin. I've never seen any proof that prolactin l...

5 years ago
RE: dostinex and deca

Posted by: liftsiron I like the results of a good test/deca cycle I run the test two weeks after I finish the deca and never had any problem with rec...

5 years ago
RE: dostinex and deca

Posted by: liftsiron Test should always be used with deca then you don't get the negative sides from deca. I should have asked in order of concern ,I...

5 years ago
Replies: 14
Views: 1404
RE: bicept tendon?

Posted by: liftsiron Dozens of exercises for chest, shoulders, triceps and some back exercises that don't effect the bicep. Rest the injury. it actua...

5 years ago
RE: bicept tendon?

Posted by: liftsiron You should be able to do some upper body work soon avoid exercises that cause pain in the affected area and quit doing barbell c...

5 years ago
RE: bicept tendon?

Posted by: jboldman so is it bicepts tendonitis or torn/stressed bicepts tendon?jb well he said it could be partailly torn but doesnt think so,i had ...

5 years ago
5 years ago
Replies: 8
Views: 1483
RE: Bloat from HGH

Posted by: motomatt How many ius are using of HGH ? I use 3ius on off days and 4ius on training days ,i been dealing with a rotator cuff injury for a...

6 years ago
RE: Bloat from HGH

I have experienced some water retention sides that subsided after a few months of using hgh. I think hgh is definitely high priced but its awesome for...

6 years ago
RE: Need Help Please

Posted by: GettinSwole Wouldn't the Nolvadex in his system show up as a higher estrogen level anyhow? Are you certain that nolva would show as high e...

6 years ago
RE: Need Help Please

Posted by: ready2explode Personally, I think you're jumping the gun by going to see the endo so soon. It's only been 3 months since you've been on a ...

6 years ago
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