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Dianoxyl is a modern steroid agent with high anabolic activity and moderate androgenic action, the active substance of which is methandienone. This drug is used primarily in sports practice, in particular by athletes in bodybuilding. It is used to achieve a rapid and pronounced muscle mass, as well as to increase strength and strengthen the body.

Dianoxyl is produced by Kalpan Pharmaceuticals. This is a manufacturer whose products appeared on the domestic market in 2009. Despite the novelty, its preparations are already in high demand and can boast excellent reviews, both from amateur athletes and from pros.

The active substance of this drug, methandienone, is a modification of testosterone, which is characterized by reduced androgenic properties and increased anabolic properties, which is manifested in a strong increase in mass and physical parameters when taken. This steroid first appeared on the market in the 60s of the last century and almost immediately became popular. Today, the demand for it has not diminished: it was, as it was, and remains one of the most favorite AAS for athletes, and at the same time one of the most effective.

Dianoxyl, as a sports product, is endowed with all the best properties of its active substance. With its correct application, the following powerful effects, one way or another, useful to the athlete:

  • Increases strength;
  • Rapid and pronounced increase in muscle mass;
  • Improves the process of protein synthesis;
  • Strengthens the bone structure and increases appetite;
  • Significant anti-catabolic effect.

Note that Dianoxyl - a strong steroid drug with pronounced anabolic properties and moderate androgenic effect. The index of its anabolic activity is 200% of testosterone, androgenic activity is 50% of testosterone.

It is also important to say that the action of Dianoxyl is fast enough, but not very long. The half-life of this drug is about 5 hours after the last pill taken. Therefore, to achieve the desired effect, it is usually used on a daily basis (before or after eating, not on an empty stomach).

In sports, this drug is used by both men and women (for women, as already noted, only small doses are used - from 2 to 5 mg per day to avoid virilization). At the same time, Dianoxyl tablets are taken in cycles mainly for the purpose of gaining weight, strengthening the body and increasing strength. On cycle, this drug is usually combined with other steroid agents, from esters and mixtures of testosterone to stanozolol, in order to achieve the best results.

The recommended dosage of Dianoxyl for men in sports is 5-50 mg per day. To achieve the proper effect, you should drink tablets on a daily basis (taking it is recommended before or after eating, not on an empty stomach). This frequency of use is explained by a not very long action of this drug, the duration of its activity is about 5 hours.

With what steroids can you combine Dianoxyl effectively and relatively safely? Effective courses on the basis of this drug can be made in many different ways, the choice of the exact combination for reception should first of all be based on the athlete's goal, his experience in the application of pharmacology and financial opportunities.

A joint cycle of Dianoxyl and nandrolone decanoate will give good results in building muscle mass. You can use steroids according to the following scheme: methandienone - daily for 30 mg (1-6 weeks), nandrolone - per week for 200 mg (1-8 weeks). At 9-10 weeks, the output begins, during which testosterone propionate and stanozolol are used at 100 mg every other day and 40 mg per day, respectively. After this, PCT begins - every day we take tamoxifen in doses of about 10-20 mg. Also, the course may need Proviron.

In turn, a course of similar AAS + testosterone enanthate + stanozolol can help achieve greater strength and significant weight gain. The scheme for taking these steroids is as follows: from 1 to 7 weeks - methandienone daily for 40 mg and testosterone enanthate for 250-500 mg per week (1 week - 500 mg, 2-7 weeks - 250 mg); at 8-10 weeks is taken stanozolol in a dosage of 40-50 mg daily; PCT - tamoxifen 30 mg daily. During the course (from 1 week), you should also take Proviron (mesterolone) to avoid side effects.

DocJ reacted
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Joined: 6 years ago
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So I used for 12 days 50mg/everyday after sampling another brand D-bol. From this D-bol I gained 5 extra pounds strength felt the same as the previous D-bol I was able to handle more weight for more reps. Which was my goal I hit a couple of personal records. Weighing at 180-184lbs. Bench press 315lbs for 6-7 reps, Dead lift 405lbs for 6reps (deadlifts kill my lower back) Squat 405lbs for 3-4 reps. I didn't get as much water weight as I expected, I was stacking with Test E , Test P and Anastrozle. Not complaining because I gained a little muscle. I went up 4 inches in my quads which has been hard to develop for 2nd so I was excited about that measurement. Overall I would say this D-bol did it's job.

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Do you take it all at one time or split it up? I have done it both ways and like the all at once. Just want to know if there are any benifits to spliting it up?

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I've done it both ways as well. All at once works best for me. I am less likely to forget and it makes a great preworkout boost

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Posts: 117

I prefer all at once it is too difficult to maintain stable blood levels esp on an oral that has a half life of 3-5 hrs


looking for time and financial freedom

Eminent Member
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This debate will go round and round on splitting orals or all at once.

I prefer all at once and have tried both


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Agree all at once. On none trainig days do you take at the same time you would on a training day or in the am?

starquest maniac
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 17

Never heard this debate before. Just like TM said though. Half life is super short, on orals. I would think if you are running a high dose 40-60mg ED, you could do a AM and PM split. You guys ever worried about the liver toxicity on a mouth full of orals at once?

DISCLAIMER: Starquest Maniac is completely fictional and not a true human being. As a matter of fact, I am a loser who has nothing better to do than imagine what life would be like if AAS was legal! Everything I say is a lie, and that's the TRUTH!! LOL!
I am a Testicle Professional
30yrs old, 6'0ft, 178lbs, 7.0% BF
PCT, so I can be breast tissue FREE!

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I have tried taking D-bol both ways, all at once and split up throughout the day. I found that all at once was more beneficial to me strength wise and also easier and more conveinient. I always think of it as I want all the benefits at once and while I am at the gym, so I take my full daily dose about 30 mins before I train.


Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 59

I definitely agree with all my brothers. All at once is more beneficial in the gym, and maximizes protein synthesis when it is most important. I have also run them both ways.

"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers. For he today that sheds his
blood with me, Shall be my brother"

PLEASE Do Not ask me for sources!

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On...and on.....and on.....I concur too. ALL AT ONCE!. Then hit the wts hard

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Nice to hear, I have been splittiing it up and will definately start trying it like you guys prefer. Nothing makes me madder, think thats a word... then going to work and forgeting the other dose at home...
