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Arm Pain

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Hey guys, been a while since i've been on. Been busy as shit. Ive started my cycle 7-8wks ago of test 500mg and Im having some great results. Ive jumped from 165 to 187 and still have 8wks left. My strength is rediculous and i'm loving my size. Well as of my last inject on tues 11-18-07, 2 days after the inject i was fine, no pain after inject or anything, well the last 2 days have been hell. My left delt is kinda warm, and it feels the muscle under the skin is at a constant contraction. It just really tight and painful. Could it be cellulitis? Never had it before and just curious. Keep you updated with the results. Thanx.

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i dont know if this is what you mean but once after a delt shot the whole of my arm from my shoulder to my elbow swelled up red and was like you decribe warm but it went after a few days

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Posts: 28

Try massaging the area to help the oil dissipate. You should apply heat to it as well.


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