Clen pros and cons
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Clen pros and cons

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A guy at the gym has advised me to go on clen, i know him well and he knows my goals, which are to add 14llbs of muscle and strip body fat (im already around 10-11%) Want i want to know is what are the effects and side effects of taking clen? sorry for my ignornace but im very new to training and body building any advice greatly recieved

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if you do a search you will find plenty of stuff that will help you. Welcome to Bolex bro.....

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well bro first of all this is a retarded post, i mean we all wanna learn shit and all but you can do a lot on your own through searching....but clenbuterol will not put muscle on you just help burn fat....this is what clen does--- increases your internal body temperature by a couple of degrees which in turn makes your body burn more calories, side effects- shakes more than you can imagine, sweats, and the worst of all cramps

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also clen does not work unless your diet is in good shape.....meaning its not like t3 where you can be a little more relaxed on your diet

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restlesness, palpitations, tremors, headahce, increased perspiration, insomnia, muscle spasms, increased blood pressure and nausea. i did clen, and it worked, but the cramps were horrible and i felt soooooo out of it when i was on clen. just disassociated from everything in a weird way.

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cheers guys. i know that clen helps with fat burning, but does it have any muscle building properties?
