Brother needs decen...
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Brother needs decent routine: 1-2 workouts/wk only option

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Fellas... Can someone point me in a training direction regarding my brother? He puts in 70-80 hrs/wk at his job at Boys Town. I told him about full-body routines but I was wondering the best way to carry these regards to movements, intensities, volumes, etc. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks! FOX

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Mon squats, rows, close grip bench, lateral raises Tue Deads, Bench, BB curls, DB pullbacks (similar to face pulls) personally I would do HIT, 2 ultra heavy sets, warm up with a little cardio. Movements should be few and compound due to the everday stress he endures, and if he's anything like you he's a little bit of an overthinker. Volume should also be minimal. I would change reps themes every 3 weeks to keep growing.

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I started doing HIT training a few years back and only lift twice a week which leaves me more time to bike, run, paddle and what not. I'm not out to get huge, just do the above activities better. I do two total body workouts a week with 2-3 days of rest between each workout. Each workout takes me under an hour and I do approximately two exercises for each body part with some variation between the two days. Day 1: Hip Extension Leg Extension Leg Curl Pullover Seated Row Dumbell Fly Bench Press (rotate between flat & inc Bicep Curl (pick your poison) Dips Day 2: I change my leg routine and switch from chest to shoulders. For legs I do leg curl and then go into a leg press. I have a hard time walking when I get done on the press. Slow heavy reps on there give an excellent burn. For shoulders I do lat raises and an overhead press. I mix in front raises here and there. I do mostly machines but mix in some free weights here and there. I change exercises when I feel like I'm hitting a plateau, and on some days I'll do two bicep exercises. We have some really old school bicep machines that can really kick my butt. I do 8 second reps (4 up 4 down) for 10-12 reps depending on the excercise. Go up in weight when I hit 10 or 12. I also mix in a quick Gravitron routine (don't know if every gym has one) but it's essentially weight assisted dips and pullups and I do a routine of 6 exercises striving for 10 of each dips, wide pullup, dips, narrow pullups, dips, bicep pullup. At the end of my workouts it really kills me, and I've managed to work my way down on weight to completing the whole thing with only 35 on there. I'm struggling at 30. And I'll always follow up the lifting with 45minutes of cardio. If he's only working out twice a week period, I'd definitely recommend doing the cardio after. My buddies give me crap for not lifting 3 or 4 days a week the traditional method, but I'm still getting stronger and a little bigger, and I can still kick their butt on a bike, in a boat, or just in a stupid pull up contest. Just do a google search on "HIT training" and here's a link to a good article on it:
