Eminent Member
Joined: Sep 22, 2022
Last seen: Feb 28, 2024
Topics: 0 / Replies: 31
RE: Wog's guide to da gym ;)

Originally posted by biggieD hahah yeah! its ok stana i still think your a champ! btw no lickin balls from this side just oyur a top dude. even if you...

5 months ago
RE: Wog's guide to da gym ;)

Originally posted by biggieD haha yeah seen it on here another 10 times. still funny. hehe if i remember this is what got me and stana man into an arg...

5 months ago
RE: Wog's guide to da gym ;)

Should add this to that guide: "Stay the fuck out of the way of the large Anglo guys who are getting pissed off at your scrawny 13" arms being flexed ...

5 months ago
RE: Question on Christianity

My own view is that while I don't believe in God, I can't totally discount the possibility either.

5 months ago
RE: Fuck rotator cuffs if lower dumbells too much on press?

Originally posted by soccer I was doing dumbell shoulder presses on Monday morning and tore a muscle and kept going. I knew my shoulder hurt, I knew I...

6 months ago
RE: Fuck rotator cuffs if lower dumbells too much on press?

Originally posted by pacesetter Ummmmm is that what you call bridging Stana??? :D Ahhhhhhhhhh, yes that's it! Well it's not really bridging as I'll do...

6 months ago
RE: Fuck rotator cuffs if lower dumbells too much on press?

Originally posted by oneade O/T JerryTheJuicer. I'm quite interested in what your regime is like. 3 x a week and only so few exercises? What are is yo...

6 months ago
RE: Fuck rotator cuffs if lower dumbells too much on press?

Looks like it's unanimous so far! I hate wide-grip anything, terrible damage to shoulders! I do dips in close as possible, and only down so my upper a...

6 months ago
RE: Started my tren cycle

Mine also crystallised-had to heat it in boiling water. Now before every shot I have to shake it up and pop the vial in the microwave for 15 secs.

7 months ago
RE: Started my tren cycle

I'm on some old tren/prop I got from JK in late December, it's working fine.

7 months ago
RE: O/T Training advice.....

When I'm cutting I train MWF on a 5x5 program. I find lower reps/more sets with heavier weights helps keep the mass and you're not really effected by ...

7 months ago
RE: Had to fire this dumbass gringo

Heh heh...was wondering how long this would take.

8 months ago
RE: Anyone else love carbing up?

It can be fun, also makes me feel sick. If carbing up works really well for you, without taking r-ala and metformin, it means you have spectacular ins...

9 months ago
RE: What size pins do you guys use

I used to shoot RWR stanazol and Jurox Testosus through insulin pins.

1 year ago
RE: What size pins do you guys use

19 to draw. 23g 1.25" for butt. 25g 1" for triceps, delts, quads. 27g 0.5" for biceps.

1 year ago
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