Losing alot of hair...
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Losing alot of hair on tren - will adding dbol or winny make things WORSE?

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Im losing a lot of hair, on tren. Im wanting to run Dbol or winny to really start bulking (Iv been on tren prop for 4 weeks and had to pass a blood test last week - now thats out the way I can take some orals. I wonder if you think adding dbol or winny I would be able to loose any more hair than I would lose on the tren. My tren is 75mg ED, prop 50mg ED. I would add dbol at 40mg or winny at 50mg (to start raising to 75mg if no results). Is the hairloss as bad as it could be? Would adding dbol make it better since it will displace some of the tren? Im only 21 and have lost alot of my hairline - so much so that I see people looking up there when talking to me.. Thanks bros.

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i would say yes. especially the winny cause i think that is a derivative of dht. you can look at it this way, the hair you're losing, you're gonna lose it anyway. get it over with in 1 shot, lol. i can say this cause im not prone to hair loss, thank god. my only problem is i have a lot of grays, and im only 28

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Stan, there are two ways to look at this. One, u could go buy yourself a multitude of hair saving, hair regrowth products, shampoos, and scrubs...end up spending a small fortune, and still be a fairly bald man...with a shitty looking comb over. Or. Two, U could just shave your head bald. Big, freaky and bald looks good. U get to save your cash, u are young enough that bald will still be scary and not pathetic....bald is beautiful bro!!!

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Its not going to help, I'm prone to hairloss also but I want to delay it until i'm at least 30 so I spend the money on finastride and the shampoo.

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Originally posted by Valkyl Stan, there are two ways to look at this. One, u could go buy yourself a multitude of hair saving, hair regrowth products, shampoos, and scrubs...end up spending a small fortune, and still be a fairly bald man...with a shitty looking comb over. Or. Two, U could just shave your head bald. Big, freaky and bald looks good. U get to save your cash, u are young enough that bald will still be scary and not pathetic....bald is beautiful bro!!! or you could save up enough denero and get a follicular hair transplant, however, that is pretty expensive and would take about 6 months-year to notice hair regrowth. Also, you will permanently be scared in the back of your head. MPB is completely unfair, I would much rather be prone to gyno. With gyno I could take precautions to prevent it. Also if I did develop gyno I would be able cover it up or have surgery. Most hair drugs are just putting off the inevitable. I feel your frustration bro.

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Thanks bros - what I really just want to know is will adding winny or dbol make the baldness progress any faster than it is with my tren cycle. I.e. is winny plus tren, or dbol plus Tren Any worse than tren alone. Because 21 and being the baldest phuck out my friends aint fun. Iv decided if I have to get balder to get big I will do it, within reason of course. I will sacrifise some hair and finish this tren cycle but if dbol will make the hairloss EVEN MORE worse while on tren then I will not bother taking it since it wont add many more lbs to my gains in the cycle, but will make a difference to my hairline. Not sure if Iv made my question clear, but thanks for the support anyway bros.

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Take a look at your family history first. Is your dad bald? Uncles, granddads? If they are, chances are that you too might have male pattern baldness and have hair that is sensitive to DHT. If your losing hair already than its a sure bet you will lose more should you decide to use winny or D bol. This is a fact and although Propecia may help you save some hair, I personally think it doesnt help with the gains you want to make using the sauce. I had terrible strength loss on Propecia after taking it, you might not be effected in that way as we are all different In truth, if you have male pattern baldness the hair you are losing now is haie that you would have lost anyway. The roids just push the process along a little faster. I shave my head now and plan on juicing again even though i know it will kill whatever hair I have now. I got over the initial shock of going bald and dont give a shit about the matter anymore. My goal is to be a big ass mofo, if I lose some hair its no big deal. I would rather be big and bald than skinny and bald. lol

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yes d-bol and winny both will make it worse. the tren is really bad on hairlines. get topical spirnolactone, while on cycle and use it every day. also get zandrox or minoxidel , it will make what you have left thicker.:D

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I find that winny & dbol are worse then tren.. topicals help..

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Thanks bros.
