THG - Designer Ster...
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THG - Designer Steroid Scandal

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Mr Oz
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Dwain Chambers has tested postive to this steroid.....

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Who has more info on this drug, its actions and outcomes etc? IronMike

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I see that the doping body here is now testing for THG.... they are going back over all samples they hold in storage.... Made the 4.30 news here.....

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The Olympic games make billions of dollars for sponsors and corporate giants. The fact is people want to see freaks they want to see records get not only broken but smashed. This is what puts bums in seats. Drugs are as much a part of modern sport and athletics as training itself. Where ever huge amounts of money are present there will always be corruption thats just human nature it will never go away. This THG scam is purely disinformation to show that the ioc is 'stopping drugs in sport' where as they are actually covering up the extreme levels it has reached. Officials tested Ben Johnson so thoroughly because they said it was impossible for a human to naturally run that fast?? His record has certainly been beaten now so either almost all athletes are on drugs or they are not human hmmmm??? Bodybuilding is rediculed for being about drug freaks but hey at least there honest. The average Joe Citizen does not want to beleive their favourite athlete is a drug taking cheat but hey if there all taking drugs is that cheating??????

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An Ozzie cyclist (i think from VIC) got busted not to long ago for using EPO. I know some Australian labs are working on a way to test for EPO (bastards!!) but as Kalpa said currently they take tests throughout the year and just compare them. 50% is the mark you can stay below without being suspect straight away. If you have natural high H count from what i have been told you receive a waiver on the tests as they just compare all the ones you have and it'll be around the 50 mark anyway. It's in situations where you are racing like in the tour de france you get a sample taken at the start and randomly during the race. If your H count goes up later on in the race (H count will decrease during a race like that) then it's easy to tell who's using EPO and you're busted. But then again you can claim dehydration and when the vials of HGH, test, EPO are found on your wife she just says if for her mum and she gets thrown in jail..... well that's the way 1 of the pro's handled it last year and got away with it....

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Did we see that the samples fromt the AFL and NRL Grand finals will be tested????????????? woooohooooooooo

Mr Olympia
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International Rugby Board will retest for THG too.

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Was a doctor on the John Laws show (yes i know but out here in the bush we only get 1 radio station) who gave a little bit of info on the drug. He was unaware of the availablity of THG in Australia, that is not saying it is here. It is a form of Testosterone and is taken orally It has had a molecule altered to up till now made it undetectable. There is a massive industry involved in the research and development of these new designer steroids, THG is now detectable he is reasonably certain it would have been replaced by a new and yet again undetectable drug Bigock

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A company in Britain set itself up to make it... it is a derivitive of two vet steroids... they didn't say which ones.

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Big question is - how long is its detectability in the body ? I would *LOVE* it to be 12 months or more.

Mr Olympia
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The drug is only detectable in the body for a few days but the effects last months. I want some.

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But how potent is it - is it a Dianabol equivalent or more like a winstrol equivalent in terms of size and strength ? I believe it was also administered orally so I wonder how liver toxic it is and the other sides...

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Apparetnly it is a trenbolone derivitive.

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its a fuking disgrace in sport THG, regardless of wat its derived from ... im speaking from an international athletes point of view not just a sports lover catch em all!!!!!! did u see the papers all who tested positive are all TOP in their selected disciplines TeST x

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