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Joined: Jun 25, 2018
Last seen: Jul 19, 2019
Topics: 2 / Replies: 17
RE: low dose test and PCT

Posted by: need4speed dv8,Thanks for the feedback. Not my first cycle. Have done several cycles before but at higher doses (test + eq) along with PCT...

5 years ago
RE: low dose test and PCT

It kind of looks like you will be staying "on" for your whole season, or at least most of it. I would say that PCT will be necessary, but feel that it...

5 years ago
RE: Test - who's gonna hold my hand?

I find it helpful to have a plan when "jumping in" to these things. Work out a little schedule for yourself, example:wk 1-3, 10mgTBOL 40mg Winny EDwk ...

5 years ago
RE: EPO- How the body reacts coming off it.

For Iron injection you are supposed to use the "Z" technique. Use your non syringe filled paw to pull the surface skin kind of sideways, then push the...

5 years ago
RE: Abbreviations Sticky!

PCT= Post Cycle Therapy

5 years ago
RE: Spring Cutting Cycles

Test, tren, masteron gets three thumbs up.

6 years ago
RE: Spring Cutting Cycles

Test prop/Masteron, possibly some T3+ECA. With Masteron, I just feel good while on.

6 years ago
RE: Sciroxx Laboratories

Sciroxx Methanodex 10mg top quality, all the things as one can expect from good dianabol. I have been using them now three weeks and mood is always hi...

6 years ago
RE: Roids-Shop.Com Reviews

This is my third order from roids-shop.com: And not the last. I am very much enthusiastically what the range of products it begins. With the last orde...

6 years ago
RE: Tationil Glutathione: Injectable Liver Detoxification

I think this would be perfect for an endurance athlete, especially when competing in multi-day events. I would tend to assume that an injection would ...

6 years ago
RE: Starting over

The short of it would be yes. You may want to look into deca, for its benefit to joints. Personally eq makes me hungry, extremely hungry, which tends ...

6 years ago
RE: Cycle Preperation Cycle

I have also been wondering about the use of test base in DMSO, You could probably fly under the radar with this.dv8

6 years ago
RE: Cycle Preperation Cycle

I have read something about the use of slin in relation to test an shbg, used on alternate days the slin allows the body to use more of the free test....

6 years ago
Replies: 7
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